Christian Bommarius

Christian Bommarius was born 1958 in Frankfurt/Main, grew up in Bonn and now lives in Berlin. A journalist and lawyer, he worked until the end of last year as a commentator for the Frankfurter Rundschau and the Berliner Zeitung, among others. He now writes as a freelance author. Book publications: Wir kriminellen Deutschen (Berlin, 2004), Das Grundgesetz: Eine Biographie (Berlin, 2009), Der gute Deutsche. Die Ermordung Manga Bells in Kamerun 1914 (Berlin, 2015), Der Fürstentrust. Kaiser, Adel, Spekulanten (Berlin, 2017). His new book 49- das lange deutsche Jahr (Munich, 2018) will be published in fall of 2018. In March Bommarius will receive the Heinrich-Mann-Prize 2018, awarded by the Akademie der Künste.