Tyrannosaurus Regina performance, OSTEN Festival 2024 © Falk Wenzel

Kultur-Land unter?
Cultural work in rural regions

Lectures and Talk

Cultural work in rural and small-town regions creates spaces for artistic exchange and cultural education, promotes social cohesion and local development. However, scarce resources and a strengthening of right-wing extremism pose challenges for culture.

How can artists, municipalities and local stakeholders work together to make their work sustainable and respond to the needs of the population?

With Matthias Frohl, Thomas Krüger, Helge Lindh, Birgit Lohmeyer, Christian Tschirner, Sophie Trollmann, Oliver Wolf et al.

Moderation: Johanna M. Keller

An event in the context of the exhibition “Ein Dorf 1950–2022”.

Thursday, 13 Mar

7 pm


Studio Lobby

With Matthias Frohl, Thomas Krüger, Helge Lindh, Birgit Lohmeyer, Christian Tschirner, Sophie Trollmann, Oliver Wolf et al.

Moderation: Johanna M. Keller

In German

In cooperation with Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb)

€ 7,50/5