Ursula Krechel, photo: © Gerald Zörner

Ursula Krechel: “But who was murdered, and who killed?”

Archive Opening

Violence is a central theme in Ursula Krechel’s multifaceted work. The author talks to Andreas Platthaus about her language-artistic poem Stimmen aus dem harten Kern and reads from her new, highly political novel Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerin, which will be published in early 2025. It tells the story of three women in antiquity and the present whose lives are characterised by violence suffered and practised. Gabriele Radecke introduces the Ursula Krechel Archive.

Wednesday, 20 Nov

7 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

With Ursula Krechel, Andreas Platthaus, Gabriele Radecke

Welcome: Werner Heegewaldt

In German

€ 7,50/5