David Ludwig Bloch, Shanghai, November 1940 © Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Sammlung David Ludwig Bloch, vorl. Sign. 8, Photographer unknown

A Suitcase for the Archives

Archive Presentation and Talk

The series provides insights into the estates of exiled artists held in the Academy’s archives. Staff members will open the suitcase they have brought with them and tell the stories behind special items.

The evening is dedicated to David Ludwig Bloch, Ellen Auerbach and John Heartfield and the influences of their exile experiences in Shanghai, Palestine and London on their work, which encompasses such diverse media as porcelain painting and photomontage.

Thursday, 20 Mar

7 pm

Werkstatt Exilmuseum
Fasanenstraße 24
10719 Berlin

With Rosa von der Schulenburg and Anna Schultz

In cooperation with Stiftung Exilmuseum

In German

Free admission

Further information

Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin